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15 Aug

How I Started To Believe I Was Good Enough

It’s just as important to work on our inner beauty as it is to work on our outside appearance of who people perceive us to be. Think about the story you replay in your head, and is it actually real? Is it true? You can change your mindset of not feeling good enough when you decide to change your story. This “story” I’m referring to has to do with the destructive beliefs you have about yourself.


My story used to always be about how I was such a shy girl growing up and modeling was somewhat of a stage; a safe place to pretend I was a powerful, sexy, confident woman that I didn’t feel I was in my “real life.” I felt attached to the idea that I was still that shy and self-conscious girl who didn’t feel quite sure of herself.


It didn’t help that I chose a profession where you get judged on a daily basis. Your mind starts playing tricks on you and you can’t help but question, “ Am I skinny enough, pretty enough, approachable enough, are my teeth white enough, are my boobs perky enough, is my skin glowing enough, am I young enough?” The big question on a daily basis becomes, “Am I ENOUGH?”


I ended up getting invited to a week-long Tony Robbins workshop that was pretty life changing. I learned a lot about dealing with personal relationships, career, family, and shaping my destiny in order to live a successful and fulfilling life. The most powerful and memorable thing I learned that week had to do with the importance of being grateful and the importance of having positive and inspiring thoughts running in my head, rather than negative or self-destructive thoughts.   He said “Change your story, change your life. Divorce the story of limitation, and marry the story of the truth and everything changes.”


This was a huge reality check for me. I finally understood that if I wasn’t that powerful, confident, sexy woman in my real life, how else would I be able to project it so well in front of the camera? The power was inside me all along.


Once that story shifted for me, I wasn’t pretending anymore. I was so much more free and happy knowing that I was getting hired for so much more than just being a particular measurement or fitting into some unrealistic mold. I learned that surviving the modeling world is all about who you are, how you show up, your networking skills, professionalism, and personality. I was finally open to just being myself and appreciating the qualities I had to offer, rather than focusing on imaginary flaws.


You can have an amazing breakthrough in your life once you change those limiting thoughts. I invite you to look deeply within yourself and ask, what’s my story? Is it beneficial in any way? If not, what would you lose by changing it? Better yet, what would you gain?


A recent book I absolutely loved and highly recommend you can get if you click here- You are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life




Donna Feldman

Professional Model and Creator of Secrets Of A Model, Donna is passionate about using her 15 years of modeling experience to empower women to feel and look their best. She loves traveling, yoga and french-fries.


    Positive thinking and doing is the main key Donna, You are the best and inspire so many others, Keep up the great work you are doing. Luv Ya.

    August 24, 2016 at 7:45 pm Reply

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